Photography Page Live

Mild update, Added Photography section under Production Side Tab, there is only landscapes atm, also changed multimedia tab to snaps & vids, it feels a bit confusing, see how this informal approach goes, more updates soon.
Dreading this Easter Downtime, it feels that much more down when u spend most of your time bust with head up in the clouds.
Mild update, Added Photography section under Production Side Tab, there is only landscapes atm, also changed multimedia tab to snaps & vids, it feels a bit confusing, see how this informal approach goes, more updates soon.
Dreading this Easter Downtime, it feels that much more down when u spend most of your time bust with head up in the clouds.
Quiver, Shiver, HiJak The Stage and Deliver!

Added Blog with theatre ventures update. click the image to read.
Stage has been Hijak'd
Added Blog with theatre ventures update. click the image to read.
Stage has been Hijak'd
MediaCorp Owns You!

03/04/20X2Added entry to blog, a brief on my Mediacorp visit and audition.
follow the link and give it a read lah*
Keep Your Passion In Check!

Added blog about some recent, and not to recent EXTRA* "nothing to complain* and unpleasant experiences. go read its about passion exhaustion and expectations, and how not you should challenge it.
Added blog about some recent, and not to recent EXTRA* "nothing to complain* and unpleasant experiences. go read its about passion exhaustion and expectations, and how not you should challenge it.
Bombing Hijaking

Blog about the police training video shoot - Click to readit*
also includes link to FB photo album!
Added link production side page.
Peril Magazine HiJak'd and A Camera Geek Entry.

I am featrued in the latest Issue of Peril - Asian Australian arts webzine, after attending the seminar in Melbourne last year they sent me some Qs for As to see my perspective on the production and performance industry/ies. In Sydney Australia and my taste for Singapore
click the banner bellow to have a read or this link here:
Yesterday Added Blog entry, changed multimedia cover photo and Really Excited about getting this lens!
just ordered on Ebay this morning.
Now I have to run off to be a bouncer of sorts for another mysterious shoot.
I am featrued in the latest Issue of Peril - Asian Australian arts webzine, after attending the seminar in Melbourne last year they sent me some Qs for As to see my perspective on the production and performance industry/ies. In Sydney Australia and my taste for Singapore
click the banner bellow to have a read or this link here:
Yesterday Added Blog entry, changed multimedia cover photo and Really Excited about getting this lens!
just ordered on Ebay this morning.
Now I have to run off to be a bouncer of sorts for another mysterious shoot.