![]() Over the weekend I did some more extra work, starting to get sick of that word, perhaps I should refer it to background artist or scene realism regulator. Anyway, on one set I was a bouncer of an A list young adult party, which my stature as still far from, had nothing else better to do that night so pushed myself for the job, as they were last minute and mysterious with it all. But there I prob had worst scene realism engineer experience on the finest set I've ever been on. it was a house that felt like a hotel lobby complete with marble floors and a glass lift and Maxi (not mini) bar. Arriving on set no one greeted me or introduced themselves, no one explained what was going on, no one told us if we were going to be fed or not (we weren't) or where we could get a drink, no one tells us good job, that was excellent, another take plz, about 20 extras were held in a room with no aircon, and when asking for it checking was needed and no response was given, no taking photos AT ALL (thats why I have none) no walking.. anywhere beyond the extras holding steam room and smoking allowed only on breaks and not just when you are not in shot, but its okay for crew, note I found all these rules out by technically breaking them, because usually its okay and no one told me as mentioned. There are many other things I can complain about because it felt like babysitting us, but in hindsight I do have to look back why did all these little things begin to matter to me being at the bottom of the talent food chain? it's because I had taken all these things for granted and perhaps I was finally breaking that cycle of being a background scene realism model. I knew that the crew needed to keep order of everyone and everything especially since it was such an exquisite property that was not theirs, and since I do have AD experience, I do understand why the pressure would have made it seem that they didn't appreciate the work that professional walking mood setting creators do, but still i realise not how much difference a nice AD can make and how many sets I have seen and can actually complain about the minor things while every other performer living in the background didn't seem to notice. I was doing them a favour, but probably ended up giving negative vibes with such attitude and thoughts on boundaries and what rights we have as background reality trance enablers. so, time to step back and look at what you have become, what you need to do and where your passion is. cause if I take on any role and do it without respect and not work within the boundaries, I will just burn passion not that it will run out any time soon, but thats no way to test it, and we all know how important a stable passion is. Sure all these perks as simple as hi and here is a drink would help with your performance, but honestly, if you were truly in the role as bouncer, you don't need it to give your best performance. As Ethan and Tif mentioned, There are no small roles, only small actors. Performance Rating 1.5/10 while My performance was probably okay, I do not remember being in the moment without thinking about all the treatment I *should* be getting. Do it with Passion and with the boundaries you are set jack. The very next morning I was on another mysterious set as background hypnotist, a slightly better story about my experience here, paid half as much and also it rained for an hour at least and i took a nap on a trolley. Performance Rating 7/10 not much else significant about this shoot, and you read my rant above already right? ![]() This is a Stray photo from last month that I didn't blog about. Extra/audience member for the Piano tuner short. It was another easy shoot, and I did spend some time editing photos. and sitting in the Bleh front stage right corner. Performance Rating: 6/10 Was an extra and didn't really get into the Pianoing thing, not that anyone complained. ![]() I also audienced for a "Dream school's" *final year performance* or some sort of competition with its equally fictional competing school "Dream academy". (its a HS musical clone I assume) coincidentally one of my fellow cast in the theatre club is a recuring cameo role from and was on set at the time. Here met "brother bear productions, which is a group of passionate high schoolers writing scripts and trying to get their first short out of the way, they start so young these days, so think big and dream regardless who you are. We were not supposed to take photos, so I'm steping somewhere in the middle here with a crap photo of what is starting to be a very distinct silhouette at least to me. Performance Rating: 8/10 for this performance I got into it bit more since I was supposed to be a teenie bopper crazed beiber fan of sorts, the Brother bear crew helped me get into this as they were avid fans and I cheered the performance with them in true obnoxious Aussie Vigour.
![]() Click on image to be taken to FB album Also two weeks ago (yes its hard to get round to update a blog.) I Extra'd for a Police Training video, posing as what can only be described as a shoot out or bombing and what to do in such situation. Definetly one of the more fun gigs i've done what with all the screaming and blood and all. there was alot of down time on set, but luckily I did bring laptop and edited photos, which I do have a lot to. ![]() It was set near the airport and as soon as I was let off I went to buy some pretty cool Bata dress shoes for an awesome $39. Don't have to borrow off my friend's bro any more or wear my Heelys Rumble boots for those suit roles. xP Performance Rating: 8.5/10 well it was extra work, and I performed well, not much challenge or demand in this one. I am featrued in the latest Issue of Peril - Asian Australian arts webzine, after attending the seminar in Melbourne last year they sent me some Qs for As to see my perspective on the production and performance industry/ies in Sydney and a taste of Singapore.
Go have a read ;) http://www.peril.com.au/2012/qa-jack-ngu/ Performance Rating 9/10 Not difficult, but my Writing could always be better, and faster ![]() In the end of February I got a gig with 8pixels, a small production company I came across on FB last year and it was one of my goals to work with them. they are a tight knit crew and seem to offer opportunities to interns and newbies often. the shoot was a commercial for a private business college and all the talents were actually some of the students. most of what I did was grip the reflector and aim it at faces, no biggie, also carried gear when changing sets. ![]() It got damn hot and i was surprised I did not get sun burned. Of course I also did some production stills, most of the ad was with the Canon's new C300, which is an odd shape, but I'm sure handles like any other pro-production camera, and less like it's HDSLR Uncle 5DII. Production went well, and I noticed that to get the changing background effect to work, tripod height matching was important shot for shot. I sacraficed going to KL to crash a wedding of a friend of a friend of mine & provide the usual snap and roll, probably just broke even doing this instead. Now I'm Dashing off to go see If I can try a new lens before I buy* the Samyang or Rokinon. ![]() Two weeks ago I competed in Poesis, a Poetry slam that gave us a few weeks of preparation. I wrote a poem about my stale first love drama salad originally intended as an un-anniversary gift and for myself to come to terms with the situation.. in rhyming couplets , but found another purpose for it. l literally wore my heart on my sleeve for it as it I did have a big red paper origami heart in my hand as prop. Now I'm not really a poet, but It was of course an opportunity to perform something deep, personal and all, a poetry slam which I learned what was in the workshops is a competitive poetry reading, judges then give points on the spot like rating Olympic high diving event. ![]() The poem i wrote for the first round was about appreciating cows, I didn't spend much time on this one because it wasnt that touching to me and it was to end up being delivered like a Screw attack top 10 game show host tone, also it was more like stand up comedy than anything. Props was banned from this round, but wardrobe was something you can get away with, I was thinking about getting a white suit and turning it into a cow print suit, lucky i didn't find a white suit because I resorted to using a white tie and it took an hour or 2 and was quite a crafty excercise still and I ruined a perfectly good new black T shirt and a pristine new white tie, it maybe recoverable a I only used double sided tape. I got slaughtered in this event, Competition was tough against a pair of seasoned slam poets who have been partners in the crime for some time and took first and second prize money, although not much it still would have been nice. The dude had a serious piece on nuclear justice and all that ultra deep humanity thing with enough words and intensity to drown the crowd, needless to say the judges were swept away. But the real bone I have to pick is that with he was allowed to read off several pieces of paper, sure you wouldn't expect just anyone to remember such thick text, but in all fairness and playing by the rules of the event, I wasted a lot of time. Myself, I consider bad at memorising text, although I often do pull off miracles, I took three days to ingest my text and still was shaky on presenting it, however when I got up on that stage things came out smoothly script-less. I noticed how hard it was because I had wrote about something so moving for me. The cow poem on the other hand I had to deliver as fast as I could and paper was allowed. After this event I knew what real poets are, fearsome word-smiths, I thought I had a chance being such a wildcard with my wit and humour and dynamic dramatic change to something serious, I had more stage and general performing experience than all participants but in the end its the text not the performance, and I don't remember the last time i was that nervous. Poetry nerds as a friend described them as, and I'll assume majority of poetry is melancholic, the world needs laughter, although I didn't win a title or the judges, I am almost sure I won the audience, while taking a pee I was complimented by a parton, and also several other people from the crowd at the event. Although my cow poem held the least water, it probably was the most fun an memorable, however this ends my acting like a poet career.. for now. Performance Rating 4. I'm going to be hard on me-self, although I performed well and did win audience lols, there were minor glitches ie the stapler failing to staple heart, skip calling a number in the cow list poem, taking three days to memorise a monologue and still stumbling in the last hours (being deep to you is no excuse, you wrote it), being nervous was a minor problem as it has been awhile and I always to like to push myself. People may not always play by the rules, just make sure you have good showmanship. ![]() Been Occupied for some time and then just relaxing after every day of running around, neglecting this blog. So that musical I auditioned for back in Feb has taken me on board and it has actually become like an acting course 5 days a week, complete with the usual walking around, breathing and vocal exercises and thinking about intentions, text analysis and all. I love my Theatre Club, we are all very different performers but very passionate, as we do meet from 7-11:30pm on occasions, bordering on "I can't MRT home" time. Really brings me back, its true you need to go to a few classes to realise that you do actually need a refresher every now and then, so I guess I will be doing a course once a year or two months. ![]() I didnt make it through an audition for a top office role in an government fair employment TVC but did get to be an extra, featured extra perhaps (which we know is kinda a loose and grey term especially here). the lady who casted me here is Suzy who also casted all the Children in Slum-dog Millionaire, which was on TV 2 weeks ago, Hope she remembers me for when it is my time to rise* On a epic camera nerd and cinematography operator-fanboy-gasm - The Stedicam opperator is legendary Somsak Srisawat responsible for the spiral staircase 4 minute long take epic tom yum goong fight scene. Here is a photo of me with him. below is the shot, my efforts only turned up with this dub with fighting game sound effects, but you get the idea. ![]() I was also Extra for a Party scene which needed a reshoot, another next to probono job but I did get a nice photo showing the loudest apartment living room ever, it hardly needed any art department dressings. More updates of last feb soon, need to run off to class now. |
![]() The above guy is writing this blog. Thanks for taking some time to read it.
November 2012