![]() Yes, I dig hacksaws. on young models Performance Rating: 5.7/10 could have done more research of the time period even though I found out what was going on during the day on set, was a touch late cos i got a bit lost. accent was not down and since the shoot was so long with sets not needing me I drifted out a lot. I got a role in a directing student's scene exercise for the film Hard Candy, I play a photographer that likes to get jiggy with his models - totally my alley. No images yet but here's a teaser. Another great thing is during the rehearsal in front of the class on Thursday, the tutor, who we were warned would kick our ass if we didn't deliver actually smiled... after we delivered ;) Another student of the class who recognised me from another shoot, also wanted to cast me for his assignment. totally there. yesterday I got a call back for a car Insurance TVC which i auditioned for last week on Tueday. I shall rock it this time on Monday and make their choice easier. ![]() 0.17 click for link to see video. since there is so much positivity in this entry I thought I'd balance it and leave with a sour tone. I finally managed to chase down this probono gig i did to promote cancer research awareness last year... I did feel a bit featured in it at the time what with the camera in our general direction, but nope. Not saying AU is racist again, but honestly, the ad had only one non Caucasian face visible, the tattoo artist? I was just sitting there fake playing a guitar, arguably serenading to this girl. Seriously?! all you could show was an elbow to represent the Asian portion of this generation that you believe in? is this a fake representation? or have our perceptions of a multicultural society that we worked so hard to build been an illusion. Regardless another small triumph to change. Performance Rating: 0.1/10 for spacial set presence
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Been Really busy lately with moving home "for Liberty and not Banishment" Also done the biggest shoot of my life for a well known Ice cream pallor. a local remind you what channel or Mediacorp interstitial. A short for a friend probono and assisting some lovely kids party mascots and also I was born yesterday. More updates to come soon! Where's Jako - Equal Employment TAFEP TVC my biggest Extra début ever - honestly it cant get any more cameo than this. I appear 5-6 times in this TVC, see if you can Spot me xD Solutions below. its not casting fail, it's Equal Opportunity Hijaking Solutions. Scene1 in the glass meeting room 00:09 Scene2 behind chasing the Skirt 00:17 Scene3 In the other glass Meeting room 00:32 Scene4 behind the monitor of the pregnant lady 0038 Scene5 Ditto" as above Scene6 Standing next to the Lead senior on his left 00:58 Hope you had as much fun as I have with this TVC ![]() In the end of February I got a gig with 8pixels, a small production company I came across on FB last year and it was one of my goals to work with them. they are a tight knit crew and seem to offer opportunities to interns and newbies often. the shoot was a commercial for a private business college and all the talents were actually some of the students. most of what I did was grip the reflector and aim it at faces, no biggie, also carried gear when changing sets. ![]() It got damn hot and i was surprised I did not get sun burned. Of course I also did some production stills, most of the ad was with the Canon's new C300, which is an odd shape, but I'm sure handles like any other pro-production camera, and less like it's HDSLR Uncle 5DII. Production went well, and I noticed that to get the changing background effect to work, tripod height matching was important shot for shot. I sacraficed going to KL to crash a wedding of a friend of a friend of mine & provide the usual snap and roll, probably just broke even doing this instead. Now I'm Dashing off to go see If I can try a new lens before I buy* the Samyang or Rokinon. |
![]() The above guy is writing this blog. Thanks for taking some time to read it.
November 2012