![]() Many Kids, neatly filed for a mysterious show. I mentioned previously that I was touring schools and educating them about racial harmony and friendship day (as well as the compulsory army national service, but thats not my part). We put on a good show, I did three of them at three different schools on one occasion at the crack of dawn getting up at 5:30AM for a 7:30 show before I ran of the the shoot for the Bench in the previous entry, can't keep the ladies waiting ;) though they did turn up late anyway.. Although the subject matter of this performance couldn't be more Feh* for the students, that's where our energy comes in, I also notice how much easier it is to get luls out of primary school kids than the rebellious secondaries. I've had comments to slow down because they don't understand my Aussie Tongue, of course I delivered this. This production did mean a lot to me as I do remember what it was like to have outsiders perform something subliminally educational in my time at school, and now its Me. what i remember is the benefits are... we don't have to be in class. But really on a serious it got me to think about the racial harmony back in Sydney. These Kids don't know how easy they got it in terms of racial harmony and food, they have a damn food court for a canteen its food overkill!. Performance Rating 8.5/10 I could give more energy and more flawless lines. I finally got some photos from my last known show. Enjoy these and be nice to one another!
Last Wednesday I audition for a lead role in a short film at NAFA school, which turned out to be last minute as I was required the next day and the day after that, requiring me to move another audition for day two of shoot. Despite it seemingly being disorganised because of the short notice, It turned out to be the most pleasurable production experience I have had to date, and they did deliver professionally and more on the shooting days. The casting called for a character much like myself naturally, and I got to be a dramatized me on screen. I got to keep my Aussie accent but best of all was the cast and crew, they were the most well knit, open, friendly, playful and productive and technical bunch I can think of. they were intrigued with my Australian background and I taught them some aussie Slang. In fact director Farhan told me they even named the crew "bum-chums" another slang that sticked was "she'll be right". Aside from the crew my co-stars were 2 fairly different but both beautiful ladies, Sabrina and Ashley. their characters differed with Christina being very sweet and mysterious and Ashley as the hot tempered beat me with handbag until her nail-polish bottle breaks and gives everything inside a designer splash however "beautiful no matter what emotion she was in" as my character Chris thought to himself. I got to propose to them both several times in fantasy and comical ways so I am well prepared for a engagement proposal now. As mentioned the crew was technically switched on, they knew their shots, set up accordingly and were very efficient, but magically we were having so much fun at the same time. Most of our shots even the stunts were done in two or a few takes, everyone on crew even had a cameo role like Chester pushing me to the grass, Farhan smooshing a cream roll in my face and wardrobe Shelia Hunney gave me the most painful staged slap ever (and I have been getting slapped heaps with my role as Jak Arrows, more on that later). yes they did abuse me a lot for the characters sake but were nice and apologised every time, which is really important as the subliminal psychosocial damage can add up... I think Also a special thanks to Eve and Jerrer, especially Eve who snapped some of the best production stills ever, ran it through LR and uploaded about the next day with really moving instagram*ic effects. Performance rating 9.5/10 Very close to perfection, although we were very bum chummy, perhaps if I had a bit more chemistry with the ladies for certain scenes. I also think I need to open these Asian eyes more.
2 weekends ago, (yes im closing the gap) I did a short as a paparazzo (the singular), working with Directress Francesca, from Canada. A Lasalle short about a mother who is too busy as a talk show host to look after the kids and even pays a paparazzo to snap photo of them, that's where I come in.
Francesca is an excellent family film director, she gives us plenty of ideas to internalize our emotions and thoughts in our performance. I was happy to work pro bono for her and really wish I was able to deliver in this light hearted kids drama. It was a clear example of how passion in this industry and as film makers brave through Rain and shine, Fran never Lost her cool, so nether did we. Performance Rating 7/10 Felt as much as I could for the kids but it was difficult to internalise emotions and feelings, I'm so used to pulling things out now. I did feel like I dedicated myself time and effort though. Didn't get any photos of myself on set but did snap some things on Set. Running off to another 2 auditions at NAP and then Rehearsal tonight, act harder. See the full album on FB
Performance Rating 8/10 - Attendance is good, lines are down and I'm taking directions, but need to eat earlier before class and also learn to pay attention and HOPE that our co-stars get thru their scenes more. ![]() Next is a School tourng performance about National service and Racial harmony, the rehearsals were at Joo Koon which is the maximum west/other side of the island from where I was, but cab fare was covered and it does give me time to think and measure my commitment. Luckily my role was the more minor of the 4, myself suiting the foreign character to actually promote racial harmony, somehow I always get the more minor roles, which id like to believe prevents me from certain fail. The director loved my "never say die attitude" and he proposed me to another production, however this one was in two days, required me to play 4 characters had a massive script and was about Singapore history and that would really be biting of more than I can chew, so I turned it down and part of me now does wonder how I would have done, even though I would have failed. I also signed up to be a kids party host, perhaps it is a bit embarrassing, and my skills are meant for bigger things but I do want the experience and also hey making kids laugh and smile! I begin training as an assistant this Sunday. on another note I got the lead role of Pirate Captain Jack sparrow from an audition last weekend for a touring private corporate performance to promote beer brand on Thursdays and Fridays for the next two months, more on this later. Jak Arrows. ![]() Two weeks ago I had an auditon at mediacorp, finally get to visit the behemoth-lopoly broadcast station (it owns all stations among other things) . interestingly they had their own built in hawker center! I ordered some underwhelming curry. there was some navigating to be done and I did feel like an employee finding the building and contact for the audition, which was for a lead in super natural thriller, most likely due to my fab aussie accent I didn't get a call back... how do i get this neutral thing down!? Performance rating 4/10 your accent, hardly any warm up, did not study script till last min and coming in on time and not early. More entries soon |
![]() The above guy is writing this blog. Thanks for taking some time to read it.
November 2012