I didn't get through the final stage, but passed the other 4 stages with flying colours (pun intended). The 5th stage was the one to one interview where they really judge character, and gave it an epic fail.
But I later spoke to a crew member and learned what it really takes to be cabin crew in a totally epiphanal and magical way. (assume we can make words like that) I will try to explain this, thing is I was asking "when the next recruitment was" or something like that and this was not to my interviewer or anyone involved in the elimination/examination process, but he would have sensed my self disappointment or disposition (didn't even know it my self) and as a cabin crew dude he is naturally compelled to comfort me. Now he didn't actually answer my question (not that it was that good a question) but somehow made me feel better and actually kinda sorry for being such a nuisance in a subtle way, it was very strange, he just gave me some very reassuring vibes and energy. It felt like a performance but had a real effect, it was absolutely bizarre how it felt. it was like that girl in the wolverine movie who can persuade, or a Jedi mind trick. I walked away thanking him and complementing on how good he is at whatever he just done, thinking... That was amazing, and that is the vibe I have to bring if I ever want to be cabin crew. Honestly I'm sure he couldn't give a shoe about where I ended up, otherwise he'd add me on Facebook and call me every so often and ask how's the cabin crew interviews going and tell me Emirates is recruiting next week etc. But his helpful nature had me lost in a moment of blissful "someone really cares about you" ecstasy. I understood that moment what sets us apart and was really happy to know, maybe I am not ready for the airs yet. To move people emotionally, and effectively be supportive is very much a performance and one day I hope to make people smile not with cheap jokes and puns, but an embodied sincerity and compassion. Sorry this is all kinda off topic to being back in Sydney, but i honestly have nothing to write about here and flying back by scoot was the only way I could bring up this tangential story
![]() Two weeks ago I had an auditon at mediacorp, finally get to visit the behemoth-lopoly broadcast station (it owns all stations among other things) . interestingly they had their own built in hawker center! I ordered some underwhelming curry. there was some navigating to be done and I did feel like an employee finding the building and contact for the audition, which was for a lead in super natural thriller, most likely due to my fab aussie accent I didn't get a call back... how do i get this neutral thing down!? Performance rating 4/10 your accent, hardly any warm up, did not study script till last min and coming in on time and not early. More entries soon |
![]() The above guy is writing this blog. Thanks for taking some time to read it.
November 2012