![]() Two weeks ago I competed in Poesis, a Poetry slam that gave us a few weeks of preparation. I wrote a poem about my stale first love drama salad originally intended as an un-anniversary gift and for myself to come to terms with the situation.. in rhyming couplets , but found another purpose for it. l literally wore my heart on my sleeve for it as it I did have a big red paper origami heart in my hand as prop. Now I'm not really a poet, but It was of course an opportunity to perform something deep, personal and all, a poetry slam which I learned what was in the workshops is a competitive poetry reading, judges then give points on the spot like rating Olympic high diving event. ![]() The poem i wrote for the first round was about appreciating cows, I didn't spend much time on this one because it wasnt that touching to me and it was to end up being delivered like a Screw attack top 10 game show host tone, also it was more like stand up comedy than anything. Props was banned from this round, but wardrobe was something you can get away with, I was thinking about getting a white suit and turning it into a cow print suit, lucky i didn't find a white suit because I resorted to using a white tie and it took an hour or 2 and was quite a crafty excercise still and I ruined a perfectly good new black T shirt and a pristine new white tie, it maybe recoverable a I only used double sided tape. I got slaughtered in this event, Competition was tough against a pair of seasoned slam poets who have been partners in the crime for some time and took first and second prize money, although not much it still would have been nice. The dude had a serious piece on nuclear justice and all that ultra deep humanity thing with enough words and intensity to drown the crowd, needless to say the judges were swept away. But the real bone I have to pick is that with he was allowed to read off several pieces of paper, sure you wouldn't expect just anyone to remember such thick text, but in all fairness and playing by the rules of the event, I wasted a lot of time. Myself, I consider bad at memorising text, although I often do pull off miracles, I took three days to ingest my text and still was shaky on presenting it, however when I got up on that stage things came out smoothly script-less. I noticed how hard it was because I had wrote about something so moving for me. The cow poem on the other hand I had to deliver as fast as I could and paper was allowed. After this event I knew what real poets are, fearsome word-smiths, I thought I had a chance being such a wildcard with my wit and humour and dynamic dramatic change to something serious, I had more stage and general performing experience than all participants but in the end its the text not the performance, and I don't remember the last time i was that nervous. Poetry nerds as a friend described them as, and I'll assume majority of poetry is melancholic, the world needs laughter, although I didn't win a title or the judges, I am almost sure I won the audience, while taking a pee I was complimented by a parton, and also several other people from the crowd at the event. Although my cow poem held the least water, it probably was the most fun an memorable, however this ends my acting like a poet career.. for now. Performance Rating 4. I'm going to be hard on me-self, although I performed well and did win audience lols, there were minor glitches ie the stapler failing to staple heart, skip calling a number in the cow list poem, taking three days to memorise a monologue and still stumbling in the last hours (being deep to you is no excuse, you wrote it), being nervous was a minor problem as it has been awhile and I always to like to push myself. People may not always play by the rules, just make sure you have good showmanship.
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![]() The above guy is writing this blog. Thanks for taking some time to read it.
November 2012